To Provide a ‘CHILD CENTRIC LEARNING’ as each student is different as a Person and as a Learner. For this we enable students to bring out their best in a Progressive and Competitive Environment in Every Field be it Academics, Sports or Co-Curricular. We foster a Positive Spirit and believe in ‘PARTNERSHIP’ between Students, Parents, Teachers and Staff striving to create a milieu that sustains Excellence.OUR VISION
We believe that Powerful Learning and teaching occurs under a shared spirit of respect which creates a Passionate Schooling Experience recognized for its warmth, energy and excellence. Here all are valued and can fulfill their potential as teachers and learners.OUR VALUES
We desire to set an approach to Learning that IncorporatesI. Inquiry
II. Research
III. Analytical thinking
IV. Ethical Approach
V. Social & Environmental Responsibility
VI. Integrity
VII. Honesty along with Empathy and Sympathy.And to nurture in students these values in a strong sense that becomes a Life Long Habit, making all responsible and Accountable for their own actions and deeds & making way for APPRECIATION AWARDS and PRAISE.
We dedicate ourselves as Best Professionals in creating a dynamic Education Programme Empowering the students in a Global Perspective. A wholesome Package of Attitude, Gratitude Challenge and Opportunity.
Mrs. Nirmal Sharma